Arrigo Rudi. Architettura, restauro e allestimento
Arrigo Rudi. Architettura

21.10.2011 | recent publications
by Università Iuav di Venezia

Arrigo Rudi. Architettura, restauro e allestimento
Valeriano Pastor, Sergio Los and Umberto Tubini Università Iuav di Venezia, Archivio Progetti

July 2011
Archivio Progetti, Università Iuav di Venezia, 2011

The volume is the first literary attempt to assemble together the complete works, including complex production approaches, of Arrigo Rudi: from 1964 to 1967 assistant chair in Interior Design at the Università Iuav under Carlo Scarpa; from 1973 full professorship and subsequently affiliated with the Interior Design, Design and Surveying courses; in 1980 professor of Interior Design and Museography. He died in 2007. Amongst his most noted works: the conversion of  the Lapidario Maffeiano Museum in Verona; Tridentino Museum of Natural Science in Palazzo Sardigna, Trento; the restructuring project for the Santa Giulia and San Salvatore complex within Brescia Civic Museum; the general renovation project for museum space, Palazzo Farnese in Piacenza; the overall redevelopment of the Teatro Romano area, Verona; the reconstruction of the immense Gesuiti complex, Rimini; the S. Agostino convent complex, Bergamo; the renewal and renovation project for museum space at Castello del Buonconsiglio, Trento; the restructuring of Palazzo S. Francesco, the main civic museum in Reggio Emilia. In 1987, together with Carlo Scarpa, he received the international award “Architecture in Stone” for the Banca Popolare building in Verona.   
editions: Iuav/Marsilio
graphic design: Tapiro, Venezia
language: Italian
240 pages, 55 black-and-wihite and 160 colour illustrations, 1° edition
ISBN 978-88-317-1032

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