09.04.2009 | acquisitions by Università Iuav di Venezia Architect Bruno Morassutti’s archive has recently been acquired by Archivio Progetti. The arranging and cataloguing work will be undertaken over the next
09.04.2009 | acquisitions by Università Iuav di Venezia Architect Bruno Morassutti’s archive has recently been acquired by Archivio Progetti. The arranging and cataloguing work will be undertaken over the next
03.01.2006 | acquisitions by The Getty Research Institute Los Angeles—The Getty has acquired the archive of internationally renowned architectural photographer Julius Shulman, whose iconic images have helped to define the
19.10.2005 | acquisitions by Architekturzentrum Wien Az W Amongst its most recent accessions, the Architekturzentrum Wien has received the archives of Josef Lackner (born 31.01.1931 in Wörgl, Tyrol + 13.09.2000