07.07.2006 | what’s on by Neohellenic Architecture Archives – Benaki Museum icam 13 in Athens is a fond memory. We send our thanks to all of you who chaired sessions,
News Category: What's on
31.05.2005 | what’s on by Centre Canadien d´Architecture CCA Canadian Center for Architecture The Canadian Centre for Architecture announced today the appointment of Mr. Mirko Zardini, an internationally known practicing
16.10.2017 | what’s on by CVAa (Centre for Flemish Architectural Archives) The Architectural Archives of the Province of Antwerp and the Flanders Architecture Institute are hosting an international congress as
10.02.2014 | what’s on by Architekturzentrum Wien Az W The conference offers the opportunity to present new research, exchange ideas and network with people and organizations from across the globe,
21.06.2011 | what’s on by Architecture Museum University of South Australia At the Adelaide meeting we agreed to reconvene and Harriet Edquist of RMIT Design Archives offered to host a
23.04.2009 | what’s on by The New Institute, (former Netherlands Architecture Institute NAI) ContentThis comprehensive exhibition about the Dutch architect Rob van ’t Hoff (1887 – 1973) provides an overview
09.08.2007 | what’s on by San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Thursday 4 October 10:00–Noon University of California Campus Tour Noon–3:00 Greenwood Common (1950s), Houses by John Funk, Joseph Esherick,
07.07.2006 | what’s on by Architekturzentrum Wien Az W The International Federation for the Conservation of the Heritage organizes from 1992, and each two years the International Congress of Rehabilitation
30.11.1999 | what’s on by Museum of Architecture and Design The icam18 conference will take place in Ljubljana, Sovenia (29 May – 4 June 2016) and will be organized by
02.07.2017 | what’s on by Università Iuav di Venezia The North-East organic linecurated by Roberta Albiero and Serena Maffiolettiexhibition design by Roberta AlbieroTolentini, Gallerie del rettorato American Journey 1949-50Bruno Morassutticurated by Giulio