request for a letter of support for the Architecture Museum of Ljubljana (AML) in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Letter of Support

14.10.2009 | what’s on
by Museum of Architecture and Design

Moreover, past experiences with such mergers have shown that their effects have not been beneficial. In this particular case, the merger will bring about the slow death of our activities in the domain of design and architecture. There will be a reduction in the number of exhibitions, subsidies, sponsors, and staff. There will also be a further threat to merge the two now separate biennials that the two institutions currently run (the Biennial of Industrial Design and the Biennial of Graphic Arts) into a single event, although the contents are incompatible and will consecutively ruin both events.
I am therefore asking you to send a letter of support either in the name of the institution that you represent or in your own personal name and in which you mention your experiences and/or nature of your past collaboration with AML, outline your position and the basis on which you reject the merging of graphic arts with design and architecture and support the principle of the autonomy of AML and its programme. As the merger is supposed to go ahead on the 19th of this month, I wonder if you could send your letter to the beginning of next week if that is possible. Such support can stop the merger! If you know of any other people who would be willing to support us, please do not hesitate to pass this letter on to them.

Your letter of support should be addressed to address below and send to
Zoran Janković, Mayor of Municipality of Ljubljana
Mestni trg 1
1000 Ljubljana

Advance thanks for all your help!

Dr. Peter Krečič

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