The ICAM21 is open for your bookings! Mark your calendar for 06 - 11 September when the Architekturmuseum der TUM hosts this year's ICAM21 and welcomes all members! Be quick and secure the early bird discount here for 570 € (after 15 June, 2022, normal price: 590€).
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Conference Program
The ICAM21 conference program is here! The six-day conference will include numerous lecture and discussion formats, two one-day excursions, exhibition visits, and tours within Munich
Read the program
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Explore our Resources and Events Archive to keep up to date with the current research, ideas, and trends that shape our work in architecture museums and archives.
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Local Chapters
Did you know that ICAM has local chapters? These regional groups explore the issues and places that matter to you and your architecture organisation. They play an important role in advancing ICAM’s mission and translating global questions to the context of your local region, country, and urban area.
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Whether you want to travel to our conference or seek funding to host local events, ICAM offers members numerous grant opportunities. Find out how we can help you achieve more for yourself, your organisation, and the sector at large.
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ICAM is an international association of architectural museums, centres, and research collections. With members from over thirty countries, we are dedicated to connecting people from across the world and promoting public engagement with architecture, landscape, and the built environment.

Joining ICAM’s global network is easy. ICAM membership is open to any museum, archive, centre, or library concerned with the promotion of architecture and architectural history. Independent researchers or collectors are also welcome to join under the individual membership category.

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The Art Institute of Chicago collects, preserves, and interprets works of art of the highest quality, representing the world’s diverse artistic traditions, for the inspiration and education of the public and in accordance with our profession’s highest ethical standards and practices.  The Art Institute of Chicago was founded as both a museum and school for the fine arts in 1879.


The University of South Australia’s Architecture Museum is a unique repository of architects’ and allied professionals’ records and a dynamic hub of research into South Australia’s architectural and built environment history.

The world’s first curatorial department devoted to architecture and design was established in 1932 at The Museum of Modern Art. From its inception, the collection has been built on the recognition that architecture and design are allied and interdependent arts, so that synthesis has been a founding premise of the collection. Museum’s diverse Architecture and Design collection surveys major figures and movements from the mid-19th century to the present.


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