27.04.2018 | what’s on by CVAa (Centre for Flemish Architectural Archives) icam is pleased to make available a small number of grants to cover the full early bird fee of
Archives: Tests
02.02.2018 | what’s on by The Danish Architecture Centre, DAC Dansk Arkitektur Center Taking as its theme ‘Migrating Ideas’, the conference icam19 will explore transnational research, exhibition coproduction, responses to
16.10.2017 | what’s on by CVAa (Centre for Flemish Architectural Archives) The Architectural Archives of the Province of Antwerp and the Flanders Architecture Institute are hosting an international congress as
02.07.2017 | what’s on by Università Iuav di Venezia This exhibition aims to illustrate the influence within IUAV of Frank Lloyd Wright’s lesson and his “organicist” conception immediately after World
02.07.2017 | what’s on by Università Iuav di Venezia This exhibition aims to illustrate the influence within IUAV of Frank Lloyd Wright’s lesson and his “organicist” conception immediately after World
12.04.2017 | what’s on by CVAa (Centre for Flemish Architectural Archives) The Architectural Archives of the Province of Antwerp and the Flanders Architecture Institute are hosting an international conference as
13.02.2017 | what’s on by Centre Canadien d´Architecture CCA Canadian Center for Architecture When: March 9-10, 2017 Where: Yale University, New Haven, CT Organized by the Canadian Centre for Architecture
12.09.2016 | what’s on by Architekturzentrum Wien Az W RIBA COLLECTIONS SURVEY The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) holds one of the largest and most important architectural collections in
16.03.2016 | what’s on by Architekturzentrum Wien Az W icam is pleased to make available a small number of grants to cover the full early bird fee of attending icam18.