Baukultur Nordrhein-Westfalen as an institution is the address for building culture in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. We initiate, organize, network and communicate current topics of building culture. Baukultur Nordrhein-Westfalen cooperates with many partners and supports third-party projects. With our own „Museum der Baukultur“ we present and stage current and important social topics and developments – in North Rhine-Westphalia and beyond the state’s borders. This form of mobile museum is unique in the world.
Peter Köddermann p.koeddermann@baukultur.nrwContact person
Peter KöddermannWebsite Institutional Member
- Europe, Germany
Institutional Member
Baukultur Nordrhein-Westfalen
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Exhibition Alle wollen wohnen. Gerecht. Sozial. Bezahlbar, Zollverein World Heritage, Essen, 2018. ©Claudia Dreyße
St Gertrud, "Fluch und Segen", Ausstellung des M:AI NRW
Exhibition Fluch und Segen: Kirchen der Moderne, St. Gertrud, Cologne, 2019. ©Michael Rasche
04_SBK_Big-Beautiful-Buildings_Auf-Wiedersehen-Utopia_Foto Jan_Kampshoff_TU-Berlin
Project Auf Wiedersehen Utopia, a part of the campaign "Big Beautiful Buildings", Wulfen-Barkenberg, 2018. ©Jan Kampshoff
Workshop 1 der Konferenz "Mehr als Wohnraum!", Oberhausen, 6. Juli 2016
Workshop Mehr [als] Wohnraum!, Oberhausen, 2016. ©Sebastian Becker