13.10.2009 | what’s on
by RCAHMS, Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland
There is still time to sign up and join your ICAM Education colleagues in London for our three conference 18-20 November 2009. There is no charge to attend and all meals and refreshments will be provided courtesy of the ICAM Board and the host venues.
Sessions will take place in a range of must-see venues – CABE (the Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment), Somerset House, Sir John Soane’s Museum, and the Victoria & Albert Museum (courtesy of the V&A/RIBA partnership).
Please sign up by 16 October 2009. If you need more time to get approval from your organisation, please let me know and we will try and hold you a place.
Delegates are also invited to propose short presentations on the theme of sustainability in our education programmes.
A good value and conveniently located hotel is The Penn Club on Bedford Place – please book direct, contact details available at www.pennclub.co.uk
For further information and booking forms please contact: Rebecca Bailey
RCAHMS, 16 Bernard Terrace, Edinburgh EH8 9NX UK
Phone +44 131 662 1456
Fax +44 131 662 1477
Wednesday 18 November
1215 CABE (1 Kemble Street Drop-in lunch with panoramic views over central London)
1400 Introduction to event – Rebecca Bailey
Engaging Places – Anne Diack
1500 Depart CABE on foot to Somerset House
1530 Somerset House, The Strand
Visit to Sorrel Foundation, including the ‘What’s Next for Schools’ exhibition – Sharon Plant, Deputy Director
1730 Depart Somerset House on foot to hotel, break
1930 Central London, Dinner
Thursday 19 November
0945 Depart hotel on foot to Soane Museum
1000 Sir John Soane’s Museum
13 Lincoln’s Inn Fields Welcome – Beth Walker
1015 Presentations and discussion x3
1115 Coffee and ‘Opening up the Soane’ exhibition
1200 Presentation and discussion x3
1300 Sandwich lunch
1400 Education Group business meeting
1530 Museum tour
1730 Depart Soane on foot to hotel, break
1930 Central London Dinner
Friday 20 November
0900 Depart hotel on foot and then ‘heritage bus’ from The Strand to V&A
1000 V&A, South Kensington Meet at Exhibition Road entrance to V&A
Coffee and welcome in Sackler Centre – Irena Murray & Kara Wescombe
1030 Tour of permanent architecture gallery
1130 Tour of RIBA study room and education resources
1230 Wrap up session
1300 Conference closes with sandwich lunch