21.06.2010 | what’s on
by Architekturzentrum Wien
Az W
At the general assembly a new board was elected.
Dietmar Steiner, Architekturzentrum Wien, President
Barry Bergdoll, Museum of Modern Art, New York, Vice President
Mariet Willinge, Netherlands Architecture Institute, Rotterdam, Secretary General
Anna Tonicello, Istituto Universitaria di Architettura di Venezia IUVA, Archivio Projetti, Venice, Treasurer
Corinne Belier, Cite de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, Paris,
Irena Murray, RIBA Royal Institute of British Architects, British Architectural Library, London
We welcome our new board members!
Rebecca Bailey, Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, Edinburgh
Jolanta Gromadzka, Museum of Architekture, Wroclaw
Mirko Zardini, Centre Canadien d´Architecture, CCA Canadian Center for Architecture, Montreal
The board wished to thank the leaving board members Ulf Gronvold, Jane Thomas and Ulrike Jehle-Schulte Strathaus for all the work they have done, They will be missed!